Mental health support
Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing
The World Health Organisation (2013) defines Mental health as:
“a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realise their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community”.
Having a positive state of mind, where children and adults are in control of their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours will enable us all to respond to challenges in life (friendship fall outs, exam stress, changes in homelife etc). Our vision at Somerby Primary School is to ensure we work together as a team (school and parents) to equip children with the skills and qualities to become resilient, independent life-long learners who can stand proud in society, able to improve their own lives and lives of others around them. Supporting our children to understand, develop and manage their wellbeing will support good behaviour, good attendance and good attainment which in turn will equip our children with good habits needed for life.
The following links will give parents further advice or ideas on how to help your child look after their own mental health:
10 Way to help your child look after their Mental Health
Parents Mental Health Support | Advice for Your Child | YoungMinds
Parents and Careers | Advice and Guidance | Anna Freud Centre
Advice for parents - NHS (
Advice for parents and guardians - Mental Health UK (
BBC Headroom - Parents' tips for mental health - BBC Bitesize