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Reception and Year 1 - Willow Class

Willow Class Autumn Term 2

What a busy but fun filled term we had! We have had a trip, Take One Picture Day, Nativity and Snow Days. Our topic of Down on the Farm has been great fun and allowed us to take a trip to Stonehurst Farm. We had an amazing day exploring farm life. A highlight being the tractor ride and feeding the cheeky cows!           

In English this term Year 1 have been focusing on writing in sentences making sure they have capital letters and full stops. They have also looked at questions – writing them and answering them. They had a brilliant time using their questions to hot seat characters from the story Rosie’s walk. The Reception children have focused on their letter formation this term and beginning to use their phonic knowledge to spell words – we have been very impressed! 

Maths this term has involved Reception children learning numbers up to 6 and learning about 1 more and 1 less. Year 1 have enjoyed learning about addition, 2D and 3D shapes. They have also been great at mastering part, part whole models and using them to complete addition problems.

 In History this term, Willow class have been learning about Timelines and Guy Fawkes. In Art the children have amazed us with their painting and drawing techniques and they loved ‘Numbers in Colour’ by Jasper Johns. In Science the children have been learning different animal names and talking about the habitats they live in and why the animals live there.


We have been looking at the Christmas Story in R.E this term and learning about why Christmas is important to Christians. Willow had great fun performing our Christmas Nativity and were super actors.